Just Like Me
Categorizing By Default How do we end division when our brain automatically wants to label and categorize? We label and categorize automatically because our brains were designed this way to help keep us safe. When our ancestors had to forage for food, the unknown was unsafe. So we learned to favor the known. Dear Disheartened Americans
Recent events greatly impacted the hope, courage, and spirit of many Americans. I have noticed many of you getting very quiet, and even disconnecting from life and other people. Shutting down to protect, is an automatic response of the nervous system when threatened with danger. It can be wise and helpful at times to temporarily retreat. Yet if you retreat into a deep dark cave there is Making Sense of Other People's Choices.
Feel your disappointment, confusion, and anger. But don't stop there. Staying in a mindset of resistance and judgment will maintain a state of division. Certainly there are components in other people's choices that could intensify our frustrations and divide us further. However, to move towards unity we need to first process our feelings and then find components and motivations that will help us align, understand, and rebuild our common humanity. This is not the end of the story.
Find a way to settle yourself. Breathe. Create. Express. Find a way to act. Believe. Uplift. And most of all Love. |